Beach Buddies

Beach Buddies

Thursday, May 14, 2015

When Bandaids Won't Work...

Our little kiddos have been unwell with ear infections, colds, and fevers over the last few weeks. Seeing them unwell, cranky, and sick is so emotionally taxing, because there is only so much you can do. I was up last night at 2 a.m. feeding the baby, and trying to help the toddler back to sleep and I thought about how sickness is temporary. They will get better, and continue to thrive and grow. I also thought about how kids who are or have been in Foster Care have issues, and illnesses that won't get better right away. Bandaids, and baby tylenol won't work on some of the "owies" that have been inflicted on these kids. We will love them, fight for them, find any resource that they need, but it's going to take time. It may be a lifelong issue for these kids, and we as their parents will be making a lifelong commitment to them.

We are about to start on the Home Study part of our adoption and we were sent a survey that makes you think about what behaviors or descriptive characteristics you are able to accept (or not accept). The list is long, and full of things that no adult should have to ever deal with, and these are the things these kids have to deal with every day. We have to look at what we are able to take on, and what we're able to help provide services, resources, knowledge about for this child. These kids do not come with a clean slate, but you have to give them every opportunity to make a fresh start. It's a process that we will learn and figure out along the way. There will be things that come up and we will figure it out. I know that we may not have all the answers. We will make mistakes. It won't be easy, but we are committed. We're committed to this kid (or kids) always. We have committed love and care to give them and that can cover a multitude of owies, or at least give hope to a kid who hasn't had any.

1 comment:

  1. Becky, I think what you are doing is noble and courageous! I wish you all the best and hope the adoption goes smoothly. Lucky little boys with you two as parents. Fingers crossed that all goes well.
