Today marks five months as being full-time foster parents for Jeff and I. The interesting thing about Foster Care is that there isn't a guarantee of the time you have the kids in your home. When you agree to foster you commit to committing to the children in your care for as long as they need. We were told that we'd probably have the kids for two weeks. The first month was tough on us all. New routines, disrupted schedules, interrupted sleep every night, and that was just on the adults. The poor kids were confused, and thrust into a home with strangers. They didn't know us and we didn't know them. Of course time and love has changed that. Today as I write this I can't imagine life without them. They are loved, healthy, happy, growing so fast, and part of our family. They will always have a place in our hearts, and hopefully in our lives.
This Sunday is Mother's Day. We're so excited because we will get to spend Mother's Day with both of our moms. I know a few women who will celebrate their first Mother's Day this year as a mom. I have an acquaintance who recently adopted a baby, my sister just had a baby, and I am a mom to my foster kids. Three different stories, and three different new moms who get to celebrate this Sunday. I'm so excited to be a Mother, but it was kind of a process to refer to myself as Mom.
I have been referring to myself as Becky to the boys since they came into our home. The oldest boy calls Jeff Dada. It's heart melting, totally and completely. The baby starting to babble "Dada" but just as baby talk (though I'm sure he'll figure out who the Dada is very soon). I realized I was withholding being called Mom because it won't last. I also didn't want to confuse the boys because they have a Mom, but I realized this last week I am their Mom as well. I love them, take care of them, worry about them, pray for them, get up in the middle of the night when they cry, fight for them, and cry for them. I'm their Mom.
I remembered that the foster mom we did respite for this summer referred to herself as Mama Jo. So, I decided to start referring to myself as Mama to the boys. It's not to confuse them, it's not to take the place of their mom, but it's to show them they have a Mama who loves them always. It's also very humbling to take on that role. Being a mom is a super tough job, but I absolutely love it! Hopefully we will get to adopt soon and I will get to be called Mom always!
I also realized that I have two Moms in my life-my Mother, and Jeff's Mom (both now called Mom). It's a privilege and a blessing to have those two wonderful Moms in my life. They are amazing women and I would love to be as awesome a mom as they are one day! Calling Jeff's Mom by the name Mom doesn't take anything away from my Mom. It just reminds me that I have two Moms who love me. This is what I want for the boys. This is what I will strive for as long as I have them in our home.
I just want to wish a Happiest Mother's Day to all the Moms, Mamas, and those who have a Mother's heart for others! Each one of you is a Mom! Each one of you is sharing your love and heart with those who need it and it makes a difference.
Courage and tenacity. You guys have them both. These kids will be blessed in their time with you. Good job, mama. <3