Part of the plan is to talk about what makes a hero. It's not just strength, wisdom, cunning, or a snazzy pair of tights. It's the heart. It's the desire to help others regardless of your own safety and well being. It's the heart to care and help. I've met some heroes in this journey to adopt. Foster parents, caseworkers, organizations that are trying to help and advocate for families.
Being a foster parent is tough, but I wouldn't want to be a caseworker. It's not just dealing with kids, but families, the legal/judicial side, the other agencies, and many other people. They are required to follow processes in times that I'm sure they'd love to take these kids home. There are a few people that I work with at the office that are so kind, caring, compassionate, and go out of their way to try to make this hard process somewhat easier.
I think of my husband, who is wonderful with the kids, and a steadying presence for me. He is a Super Hero to me. He listens, supports, and is a great role model to these little kids. He is constantly amazing me with his heart and love.
We did respite for a couple that has been doing Foster Care for 18 years now! They are total Super Heroes! They have opened their home and hearts to kids who need them. It's takes perseverance to foster. It's not always cupcakes and sunshine, it can be tough. I am in awe of those whose heart can take a beating over and over again when they have to say goodbye to kids that they love and care for in their homes.
I am also in awe of those parents that have already adopted through Foster Care. They knew it was going to be a tough journey, but they forged ahead with love and determination to bring a kid into their lives and hearts. They have paved the way for others to see that it can and should be done.
Adopting doesn't make someone a super hero, it's the heart to adopt that does. I strive to be able to be able to offer not just love, but support, advocacy, commitment and determination to our children. The other part of being a Super Hero is having a story. A story to share your heart, your journey, and to let others know how it's done. I'm so excited to see how our story will be told, and appreciate that others want to hear about this journey.
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