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Thursday, June 18, 2015

New Options

We were recently approached by the state with a possible opportunity to adopt two siblings (not the ones we are currently fostering). The state wants to know if we're interested, and shared some details with us. We have asked for more details, and are considering the possibility. It's hard knowing that any kid(s) we bring into our home will bring a short lifetime of hurts and trauma. We have to figure out what we're able to take on because we are and aren't equipped to deal with some scenarios. There will be help and resources available, but without knowing the future it's hard to know if we're best equipped for those children. We can provide love, routines, advocacy, access to resources and services, but what if we aren't able to really help someone? When we adopt it needs to be a permanent placement. The kids in foster care don't need to keep shuffling around. They need homes. How do you know if you're the right people? It's not that we're lazy, or unwilling, it's wondering where is the best place for these kids. Is it with us? It's definitely had us thinking, wondering, and praying about what to do. This also would either interrupt or cancel the private adoption. You can really only take on one kid (or sibling group) at a time, so that you can focus on them, and their needs to the best of your ability. We're honestly not sure which direction we should head. It's nice having options, but sometimes too many options can feel overwhelming. We just want to offer our home, hearts, and lives to kids that need it. So we're trying to figure out which option might be best. We originally signed up to foster so we could adopt through the state. So, we will see. Would love prayers, and good thoughts <3 Much love from the Hosmans <3

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


People tell me that they don't think they could foster because they would get too attached to the kids. When they say this does it mean they don't think I'm attached? That I can tuck my heart away and not be affected by the two small kiddos we've been raising in our home for the last six months? 
This is so far from the truth that it's not funny. 
I'm a total softie. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I have shed more tears over the kids we've cared for in the last year doing foster care than I probably have in my life. I love these kids. I will be heartbroken when it's time for them to leave. You have to love these kids wholeheartedly. They need to be able to love, and be loved to grow and develop, and form future attachments. When it's over we will cry, and grieve, and miss those kids so much. It's not easy to love when you know it isn't permanent, but there are no guarantees in relationships of any sort. To love is to risk, and it's worth it. These kids will always have a place in our hearts, and our love. That is permanent. We're attached, and it's a great thing for all of us. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Every Hero Has A Story

My day job is being the Library Director at the Grangeville Centennial Library. It's a part time job (which works well with being a Foster Mom). I love that I get to use so many of my previous job experience at this job, and also my love of reading. I love the Summer Reading programs. In the past they hired someone to run them, but since running programs for kids and families is near and dear to my heart it's been my joy to run them each summer. This summer our them is Every Hero Has A Story. We're making it all about Super Heroes, both real and fictional. It's a very fun theme, and both the kids and all the staff and volunteers are excited to start it next week.

Part of the plan is to talk about what makes a hero. It's not just strength, wisdom, cunning, or a snazzy pair of tights. It's the heart. It's the desire to help others regardless of your own safety and well being. It's the heart to care and help. I've met some heroes in this journey to adopt. Foster parents, caseworkers, organizations that are trying to help and advocate for families.

Being a foster parent is tough, but I wouldn't want to be a caseworker. It's not just dealing with kids, but families, the legal/judicial side, the other agencies, and many other people. They are required to follow processes in times that I'm sure they'd love to take these kids home. There are a few people that I work with at the office that are so kind, caring, compassionate, and go out of their way to try to make this hard process somewhat easier.

I think of my husband, who is wonderful with the kids, and a steadying presence for me. He is a Super Hero to me. He listens, supports, and is a great role model to these little kids. He is constantly amazing me with his heart and love.

We did respite for a couple that has been doing Foster Care for 18 years now! They are total Super Heroes! They have opened their home and hearts to kids who need them. It's takes perseverance to foster. It's not always cupcakes and sunshine, it can be tough. I am in awe of those whose heart can take a beating over and over again when they have to say goodbye to kids that they love and care for in their homes.

I am also in awe of those parents that have already adopted through Foster Care. They knew it was going to be a tough journey, but they forged ahead with love and determination to bring a kid into their lives and hearts. They have paved the way for others to see that it can and should be done.

Adopting doesn't make someone a super hero, it's the heart to adopt that does. I strive to be able to be able to offer not just love, but support, advocacy, commitment and determination to our children. The other part of being a Super Hero is having a story. A story to share your heart, your journey, and to let others know how it's done. I'm so excited to see how our story will be told, and appreciate that others want to hear about this journey.